February 4th, 2006


Please don't feel that you need to give us a present! Your presence is much more important than your presents!

But if you want to give us a present, read on!

Mali's favorite colours are Brown, Green & Yellow.
Jordan's favorite colours are Red & Blue.

We are registed at the following places:

REI Type in either "Mali Munch" or "Jordan LeGros" or registry number GR1163636
TARGET Registry #010001284000289 Or you can search by name. (For some reason, there are TWO registries showing up for us. If you get to the one that only has one $10 gift card listed, you chose the wrong one!)
Bon-Macy'sType in either "Mali Munch" or "Jordan LeGros."

Also, for things like tents and such, these are only ideas - if you find a similar thing somewhere else, we aren't gonna complain!

If you would like to make a charitable donation on our behalf we like:

The Theatre or Library of your choice!
The Seattle Aquarium
The Pacific Science Center
The Museum of Flight
Earth Service Corps

If you would like to give us money:

We like money just fine!
We also need a new car and are hoping to buy a house in the next couple years, so if you want to give us plain old money, feel free.
(You can even paypal to, if you like.)

Please use the follwing links for more information:

What to Wear Our Names Main Page Reception Info Directions